Hentosz Resources Ltd.

Filing Date: July 10, 2024

MNP Ltd. was appointed a liquidator and receiver manger (the "Receiver") of Hentosz Resources Ltd. (the “Company”) pursuant to an Order granted by the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta dated July 10, 2024.

The Company owns the lands and buildings municipally described as:

  • 15 Oxford Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta
  • 21 Oxford Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta
  • 31 Oxford Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta
  • 37 Oxford Avenue, Red Deer, Alberta
  • 5608 42 Street, Red Deer, Alberta
  • 5616 42 Street, Red Deer, Alberta
  • 4202 46 Street, Bonnyville, Alberta

Contact Information

Senior Vice-President

Servicing Edmonton and 2 other offices.