2668438 Ontario Inc. cob as Frontec Metal Fab
Filing Date: July 21, 2023
The Applicant, The Toronto-Dominion Bank, make an application for an order substantially, pursuant to section 243(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, RSC 1985, c. B-3, as amended and section 101 of the Courts of Justice Act, RSO 1990, c. C 43, as amended, and appoints MNP Ltd. as receiver of 2668438 Ontario Inc. without security over all the assets, undertakings, and property.
Receiver's Appointment
- Application Record of Applicant dated - June 28, 2023 file_download
- Endorsement of Justice P. Osborne dated - July 05, 2023 file_download
- Order (Substituted Service) dated - July 21, 2023 file_download
- Order (Appointing Receiver) dated - July 21, 2023 file_download
- Endorsement of Honourable Madam Justice Steele dated - July 21, 2023 file_download
Receiver's Reports
Other Court Documents
- Aide Memoire - June 26, 2023 file_download
- Book of Authorities of the Applicant (returnable July 21 2023) dated - July 14, 2023 file_download
- Factum of the Applicant (returnable July 21 2023) dated - July 14, 2023 file_download
- Supplementary Affidavit of Kathryn Furfaro dated - July 14, 2023 file_download
- Notice of Motion dated - July 18, 2023 file_download
Contact Information

Matthew Lem
Senior Vice-President
Servicing Toronto and 1 other offices.