Channel 11 Limited Partnership and 2208937 Ontario Inc
Filing Date: December 11, 2015
Channel 11 Limited Partnership and 2208937 Ontario Inc. filed an assignment in bankruptcy on December 11, 2015 and MNP Ltd. was appointed as trustee of the estates.
Trustee's Appointment
- Notice of Bankruptcy Package to Creditors - 2208937 Ontario Inc. - December 11, 2015 file_download
- Notice of Bankruptcy Package to Creditors - Channel 11 Limited Partnership - December 11, 2015 file_download
- Certificate of Appointment – 2208937 Ontario Inc. - December 11, 2015 file_download
- Certificate of Appointment – Channel 11 Limited Partnership - December 11, 2015 file_download
Trustee's Reports
Contact Information

Sheldon Title
Senior Vice-President
Servicing Toronto and 1 other offices.