3717291 Canada Inc.(Bo-bébé)
Filing Date: July 22, 2020
3717291 Canada Inc. (Bo-bébé) filed a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal on July 22nd, 2020 and MNP consented to act as Trustee under the proposal.
Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal (NOI)
Extension of Time to Make a Proposal
- Motion to Extend the delay to File a Proposal and Authorize the sale of an asset - August 18, 2020 file_download
- Court Order extending the delay to file a proposal and approval and vesting order - August 20, 2020 file_download
- Notice to Creditors of First Extension of delay (until October 5, 2020) - August 25, 2020 file_download
- Court Order for Second Extension of delay (until November 19, 2020) - October 05, 2020 file_download
- Notice to Creditors of Second Extension of delay (until November 19, 2020) - October 13, 2020 file_download
- Court Order for the Third Extension of delay (until December 31, 2020) - November 19, 2020 file_download
- Notice to Creditors of Third Extension of delay (until December 31, 2020) - November 24, 2020 file_download
- Court Order for the Fourth Extension of delay (until March 31, 2021) - December 23, 2020 file_download
- Notice to Creditors of Fourth Extension of delay (until March 31, 2021) - January 05, 2021 file_download
Trustee's Reports
Contact Information

Sheri Aberback
Senior Vice-President
Servicing Montréal and 1 other offices.