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MNP Debt Blog

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Best of Season 3 - MNP 3 Minute Debt Break

The third season of the MNP 3 Minute Debt Break podcast has come and gone, and now it's time look back at a few of our favourite episodes.

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It’s spring season! And as we open up to warmer temperatures and a season of bloom, your finances can also experience a positive shift that will lead you to achieve your financial goals. How can you spring-clean your finances? Review your budget,...

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Living beyond our means can lead to financial disaster. The increasing accessibility of credit cards and online banking makes it easier than ever to overspend. Rising costs of goods and social media pressures to keep up appearances can make it worse....

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Do I keep my car in a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal?

We’re here to answer your questions about whether you will be able to keep your vehicle if you choose Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal to work towards achieving a debt-free future.

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If you ever asked yourself “How Do I Build An Emergency Fund”, you’re already on your way to better financial health. Recognizing unexpected costs happen is a good first step. The next step is to plan to have the systems and resources...

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Debt and Divorce (3 Minute Debt Break)

Debt by itself can be a scary thing. Coupled with divorce, it can seem over whelming. Financial issues are a leading contributor to marital breakdown, and it can often be difficult to be on the same page when it comes to settling loans, credit cards and...

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Living (with debt) in Atlantic Canada

Inflation, interest rate hikes, gas prices, groceries… oh my. The headlines and news articles bring a constant barrage of reporting on the financial pressures impacting all Canadians. Everyday costs are rising, and unless you’re one of the...

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Let’s talk about debt and the emotional journey

Tackling the sources of your financial stress is essential for the sake of your mental, physical and financial well-being.

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Tips to help you stick to your financial resolutions

Change can be difficult, however, and most of us will have given up on reaching our resolutions by the time February rolls around. How do you make a realistic goal and what steps should you take to achieve it?

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