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MNP Debt Blog

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Congratulations! Now that your Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal is completed, you are in the next phase of taking control of your finances.

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Retire Your Debt, So You Can Retire Too

Does this sound all too familiar? You started out with the usual plan for most Canadians — get a job, buy a home and save for retirement. As retirement approached, you expected your mortgage would be paid off and you would have a pension or nest egg....

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Six Major Life Events That Can Cause Financial Difficulty

Many life-changing events are unpredictable. Coping with them is taxing enough without adding steep financial challenges into the mix.

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Debt-endency: Addictions, Debt and Insolvency

Serious debt is rarely a stand-alone problem. It’s often the result of other factors which either parallel or contribute to financial distress.

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Financial Goals Made Simple

​When someone starts talking about financial goals what's the first thing that comes to your mind? Money for retirement? Investing? Taking a cruise around the world? Saving for university for your children?

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Getting Out Of Debt Reduces Stress

If you’re struggling with debt, you may have missed payments, debts may have gone to a collections agency and your stress levels are through the roof. Maybe you’re concerned about your credit rating and what to do next.

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What Happens If I Don’T Pay My Taxes

All debt can be overwhelming, but there’s no creditor quite as frightening as the all-mighty tax collector. In fact, unfiled and / or unpaid taxes are two of the most common reasons self-employed individuals and sub-contractors seek the assistance...

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Are You Managing Or Damaging Your Finances

The money relationship is often a turbulent one. When things are going well, money represents opportunity, freedom and comfort. When they’re not, it’s a massive source of stress, worry and frustration.

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15 Warning Signs Of Financial Difficulty

Financial troubles rarely pop out of nowhere. If you look carefully, you’ll often see warning signs of danger ahead.

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No one wants to disrupt their much-deserved rest and relaxation by panicking about how they’re going to juggle an unplanned hit to their budget. So how do you keep your vacation budget on track?

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