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MNP Debt Blog

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The Six Steps Involved In Getting Out Of Bankruptcy

Anyone wishing to file for personal bankruptcy in Canada will have to go through six key steps prior to receiving their discharge from bankruptcy.

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Ian Schofield and Pamela Meger, the Trustees who manage our Insolvency Services practice in Regina are very pleased to announce that MNP Ltd. has been chosen as the Consumer Choice award winner for the Regina area in the 2015 Bankruptcy Trustee category....

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The Pros And Cons Of Bankruptcy

If you have severe debt problems, filing for bankruptcy may be an option. However, it is a decision that should not be taken lightly. Consider some of the following pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy:

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Will I Go Through Bankruptcy Alone?

The answer is no. A Government-Licensed Trustee will be there to help you through the process.

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An exempt asset is defined under the laws of each province. Exempt assets are retained by the owner in the event of a bankruptcy and not accessible by that individual’s creditors.

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Who Will Find Out If Ive Declared Personal Bankruptcy

Bankruptcies and consumer proposals are government legislated options that may assist you in addressing your debt problems. In either proceeding, the bankruptcy or consumer proposal is filed with the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) and...

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Sgi Claims In A Bankruptcy In Saskatchewan

Generally when you file for bankruptcy or make a proposal to your creditors, unsecured debts will be released. Section 178 of the Bankruptcy Act lists the only debts that survive a bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal.

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A former colleague of mine used to send out letters to consumers with two specially packaged Tylenol attached, along with a brief message that said, “ Taking these two tablets will make your headache disappear, but it will not provide permanent...

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When your financial situation gets too complicated for you to resolve on your own, you may be considering various debt relief solutions.

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Certain amendments to legislation in Alberta received Royal Assent and are to be coming in to force effective April 1, 2014. One of these changes will be that RESPs (“registered education savings plans”) will be exempt.

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