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MNP Debt Blog

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Insolvency Rate Linked To Plunging Oil Prices

As unemployment continues to increase across the prairies due to a sharp decline in the price of oil, many have found themselves relying on credit to pay for day-to-day expenses as severance pay begins to dwindle and unemployment insurance runs its course....

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Unemployment And Insolvency Often Go Hand In Hand

The insolvency statistics for March have just been released and they are consistent with the trends for the previous few months. Generally filings are flat across the country except for those provinces affected by the decline in oil prices. Total filings...

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Struggling To Decide Between A Consumer Proposal And Bankruptcy

Living in financial uncertainty, with harassing phone calls from creditors, while trying to maneuver through unmanageable debt, can be completely overwhelming. The good news is, you have options, though it can be difficult to fully understand which route...

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It’s 8:00 am on Monday morning and you arrive at work ready to start the week, only to find that all staff have been summoned immediately to an emergency meeting in the staff room. Amid whispers of what could possibly be going on, you head into the meeting...

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What exactly are your duties during a bankruptcy and what happens if you can’t keep up with them? Both very good questions!

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Can A Bankruptcy Or Consumer Proposal Help With My Student Loan Debt?

Federal and provincial student loans have enjoyed a special status over the years. The answer to the question of what debt solutions are available to you in the case of student loan debt, is not a simple one depending on the length of time you have been...

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Canada is a welcoming place. People from across the globe have been choosing to immigrate here for generations and have, in return for new opportunities, given back more than could have been expected. Our country is richer for their presence.

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Filing A Bankruptcy – Is It Really That Easy?

More often than not, when people find themselves in financial trouble they’re usually not sure what options are available to help them get back on track. Well-meaning friends and family may suggest a bankruptcy as a quick and easy solution. Even some...

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5 Ways To Teach Kids How To Avoid Bankruptcy As Adults

Learning to handle funds responsibly is part of growing up. Unfortunately, it is not something usually taught in schools which means it falls to parents to teach their children how to do so. Here are a few suggestions you might want to consider.

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What Property Is Protected During A Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a process that releases you from most of your indebtedness by handing over some of your property. In other words, bankruptcy lets you erase your debts and put an end to your indebtedness within a few months.

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