
MNP Debt Blog

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How you can get the full vacation experience without the debt hangover

Given all the challenges Canadians have been through so far this year, it’s safe to say everyone deserves an escape. Vacations can be a great way to escape from everyday responsibilities and reconnect with family and friends.

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New to Bankruptcy? Here’s a step-by-step guide of what to expect

You likely know what Bankruptcy is and what it can do for people suffering with unmanageable debt. But you may not understand how it works or what’s required of you. Maybe you feel intimidated by the legal jargon, concerns about losing everything...

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Millions of Canadians are struggling with debt addiction — a problem that has worsened over more than a decade of historically low interest rates and a growing culture of debt normalization.

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Debt Consolidation Options (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

If your debt payments have become overwhelming, Consolidation can be the answer. There are numerous ways to consolidate your debt, but generally it involves lumping most or all your balances together into a single affordable payment. Here are just a few...

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Four strategies for reducing debt in retirement

Recent studies have suggested as many as half of Canadians are retiring in debt.

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Your Best Option (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

If you’re struggling to maintain minimum monthly debt payments or don’t see yourself ever getting out of debt on your own, you may consider filing a Bankruptcy. It is one option… but it’s not the FIRST option a Licensed Insolvency...

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Should I check my credit score before speaking to a professional?

When individuals can no longer service their debt, it creates significant issues for both the borrower — who may find themselves in an ever-worsening cycle of debt — and their lender(s) who are having trouble recovering the money owed to them....

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COVID (MNP 3 Minute Debt Break)

The COVID-19 pandemic has shut down businesses, shaken the global economy and caused large job losses across the country. Thousands of Canadians are taking advantage of federal support measures and many are considering additional ideas to slow all the...

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The Financial Challenges of Becoming a Parent

Parenthood happens differently for everyone. You can plan it carefully or it can be a surprise. You can share the experience with a partner or you can go it alone. But it will always change your life forever.

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