Financial Holiday Hangover


Author: Wesley Cowan

‘Tis the season to be…managing all that debt you accumulated as you got swept up in the holiday season? Doesn’t sound like a fun start to the New Year, but given current economic climate, many Canadians are going to be struggling to catch up with their holiday spending.

MNP LTD Trustee Wes Cowan was interviewed by the Kitchener Post to discuss post- holiday debt and some strategies you can use to get ahead of your debt before it gets ahead of you. The original article was originally posted online at Kitchener Post on January 4, 2016.

Wesley Cowan

Wesley Cowan


Senior Vice-President

Servicing: Waterloo, Cambridge, Kitchener, Stratford, Tillsonburg, Guelph, Listowel, Owen Sound

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