Ontario’s Unique Spot in the Canadian Marketplace

In Ontario, we’re finding that companies are experiencing little growth and while our local economy is not necessarily suffering, many businesses are challenged in terms of growing their businesses. For this reason, banks, or other lenders and the companies themselves often reach out to MNP as a trusted advisor in a more informal role to assist in identifying and solving whatever crisis the company is faced with and hopefully working with all parties to put the company back on track for both short and long-term success.

At MNP, we have helped organizations navigate the constantly changing landscape in the Ontario marketplace. Where there used to be the old-school manufacturing and bricks and mortar retail, today, today’s market is a lot more dependent on online retail, informational technology (IT) and in many cases, even intellection property. To meet the shifting demands of the marketplace, companies are facing increased regulations, privacy concerns associated with online business and the advanced IT needed to conduct sales securely and effectively. To assist with this, we’ve created a multi-disciplinary team using resources from across the country to develop manageable, customized solutions, putting the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

Why Choose MNP

Through meticulous planning and detailed review of each unique situation, MNP’s Corporate Recovery and Restructuring team works with a multi-disciplinary team of professionals from relevant industry sectors to develop customized, manageable solutions that meet the needs of lenders, any other stakeholders and the companies themselves. MNP delivers a wide range of insolvency services to help individuals and corporations successfully manage financial issues from more than 90 locations across Canada. By fully utilizing our national resources, we provide value for money while addressing the challenges businesses are facing in both the local and national market places.

About Sheldon Title

Based in Toronto, Sheldon Title is committed to helping people and businesses manage their financial challenges. He is focused on providing services in commercial insolvency and restructurings to help owner-managed and public companies with all their corporate insolvency and restructuring challenges.

Sheldon has broad experience in many sectors including real estate, retail, manufacturing and distribution and has advised on a wide spectrum of issues regarding insolvency and restructuring. “The key to my professional success has been the ability to work in environments that deliver high quality client service. MNP has a client-focused approach and an unwavering commitment to employees and clients and I am excited to join a firm that continues to share my vision, values and dedication to providing quality services,” said Sheldon.

Sheldon is the President of the Ontario Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals (OAIRP) and the joint coordinator of the Ontario Bar Association - Insolvency Section/OAIRP education program. An expert in his field, Sheldon has been published in Rebuilding Success Magazine and the Ontario Bar Association’s (“OBA”) Insolvency News.

Sheldon Title is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee and Corporate Recovery and Restructuring Professional serving our Toronto region. To learn more about how MNP can help, contact our local office at 416-515-3921.