VI Fitness Centres Inc.VI Fitness Centres Inc.
Filing Date: May 01, 2018
VI Fitness Centres Inc.(the “Company”) operated eight fitness centres on Vancouver Island.
The Company filed an assignment into bankruptcy on May 1, 2018 and The Bowra Group Inc. was appointed as the Licensed Insolvency Trustee of the bankrupt estate.
VI Fitness Centres Inc. – Media Statement
“VI Fitness Centres Inc. filed for bankruptcy on May 1, 2018, and all our business locations are now permanently closed.
Despite the company’s best efforts, our business model is no longer sustainable due an increasingly competitive landscape. We can no longer afford to keep the business operating at a loss.
We sincerely regret the impact our closure will have on our members, employees and business partners, and truly appreciate their support over the years.”
We are in the process of gathering information with respect to ROE’s, 2018 T4’s and amounts owed to former employees.
We will be sending out information packages for the Wage Earner Protection Program (“WEPP”) in the next few days to each employee.
If you have not sent your contact information to us yet, please send it to [email protected] as soon as possible.
Please note that the contractors who were not on the regular payroll of the Company are not eligible for WEPP. However, you may submit a Form 31 – Proof of Claim with supporting documentation to file a claim in the bankruptcy.
Form 31 – Proof of Claim is available for download in the Creditor’s Package below.
1. Will there be any refunds for members?
We do not know at this time. However, we recommend that you fill out a Form 31 – Proof of Claim available for download in the Creditors’ Package below. This form will require you to provide details and proof of payment.
2. Will the pre-authorized payments be automatically cancelled?
We have made arrangements to cease all pre-authorized payments. We believe it would be prudent for you to contact your bank and cancel the pre-authorized payments on your end as well.
Contact Information

Mario Mainella
National Director, Corporate Insolvency