D&S Auto Ltd.
Filing Date: September 01, 2021
Discharged On: February 22, 2023
D&S Auto Ltd. (the “Company”) was incorporated on September 12, 2007. It was an owner managed business and was operating from its leased premises at 90 Bessemer Road, Unit 6, London, Ontario.
The Company was engaged in the business of servicing and repairing automobiles. The Company struggled with low sales for a number of years, which management attributes to poor location. The onset of the Covid – 19 pandemic caused increased hardship to the business (customers were using their cars less during the lockdowns, so required less repairs), forcing the Company to cease operations.
The Company made an assignment in bankruptcy on September 01, 2021 and MNP Ltd. was appointed as trustee.
Trustee's Appointment
Trustee's Reports
Contact Information

Rob Smith
Senior Vice-President
Servicing London and 2 other offices.