CNS Iron Fabrication Ltd and Claeys Family Holdings Inc
Filing Date: May 13, 2022
Discharged On: April 20, 2023
CNS Iron Fabrication Ltd. (“CNS”) carried on business as i) a manufacturer of custom fabricated and pre-cast metal forms and automotive components, ii) a wholesaler of pre-fabricated and pre-assembled parts and comments used in the forming and shoring industries, and iii) doing repair and reconditioning of products used in formwork panels, shoring and material handling equipment. At a motion brought on May 13, 2022 by the Royal Bank of Canada, MNP Ltd. (“MNP”) was appointed Receiver of CNS and its parent company, Claeys Family Holdings Inc., by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
Receiver's Appointment
Receiver's Reports
Other Court Documents
Other Court Orders
Contact Information

Brendan Hinton
Vice President
Servicing London and 1 other offices.