Boutique Tristan & Iseut Inc. (CCAA)
Filing Date: January 20, 2021
On January 20, 2021, the Quebec Superior Court for the district of Montreal (the "Court") sitting as a court designated pursuant to the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act ("CCAA") issued an Order authorizing the Debtor to continue its restructuring process under CCAA, appointing MNP Ltd. as monitor (the "Monitor") and providing the Debtor with various protections as they prepare a plan of reorganization in virtue of the CCAA.
Monitor's Appointment
- Motion for the issuance of an Order authorizing the Debtor to continue its restructuring process under CCAA (French only) - January 14, 2021 file_download
- Court Order authorizing the Debtor to continue its restructuring process under CCAA (French only) - January 20, 2021 file_download
- Letter to Creditors of Boutique Tristan & Iseut Inc. - January 22, 2021 file_download
- Notice of the Meeting of Creditors and the Sanction Hearing - July 09, 2021 file_download
- Letter to Creditors - July 08, 2021 file_download
Monitor's Reports
Other Court Documents
Other Court Orders
- Proxy and Voting Form - July 09, 2021 file_download
- Corrected Instructions for completion of Proxy - July 21, 2021 file_download
- Registration Form to the Creditors' Meeting - July 09, 2021 file_download
- Convenience Class Election Notice - July 09, 2021 file_download
- Resolution of Affected Creditors at the Creditors's Meeting - July 09, 2021 file_download
Plan of Arrangement
Contact Information

Gaetano Di Guglielmo
Senior Vice-President
Servicing Montréal and 1 other offices.