Blackstone Investments (AB) Ltd.

Filing Date: July 17, 2024

On July 17, 2024, MNP Ltd. was appointed Receiver of Blackstone Investments (AB) Ltd. (the “Company”) in respect of the following real property;


  • Condominium Plan 9521451 Unit 13
  • Condominium Plan 9521451 Unit 14
  • Condominium Plan 9521451 Unit 15
  • Condominium Plan 9521451 Unit 16

(collectively the “Property”)


The Receiver has engaged Jones Lang LaSalle Real Estate Services, Inc. ("JLL") to list and market the Property for sale. All inquiries can be addressed to:


Michael Seidel, JLL


[email protected]


A link to the listing and related marketing brochure can be found here


Contact Information

Senior Vice-President

Servicing Edmonton and 2 other offices.