Filing Date: March 23, 2022
Discharged On: September 25, 2024
BCIS, Inc., (the “Company”) was a broker and supplier for customized promotional material, and marketing print collateral (flyers, brochures, etc.) as well as a franchise consultant to the restaurant industry. Historically, approximately 85% of the sales were to customers in the US. The Company struggled over the past few years due to US government “Buy US” mandates. The onset of the Covid – 19 pandemic severely increased the hardship as the restaurant industry was one of the hardest hit, and demand for promotion material dried up during the lockdowns. The company ceased operations and made an assignment in bankruptcy on March 23, 2022.
Trustee's Appointment
Trustee's Reports
Contact Information

Rob Smith
Senior Vice-President
Servicing London and 2 other offices.