1340182 Ontario Ltd.
Filing Date: August 29, 2024
On June 22, 2023, MNP Ltd. (“MNP”) was appointed as the receiver and manager (in such capacities the “Receiver”) without security, of the assets, undertakings and properties of the 1340182 Ontario Ltd. (“134 Ontario” or the “Company”) by order of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (Commercial List).
To visit the Receivership webpage, please click here.
On August 27, 2024, the Receiver filed an assignment in bankruptcy for the Company, which was accepted by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada and which became effective on August 29, 2024, MNP (in such capacity, the “Trustee”) was appointed as the Licensed Insolvency Trustee of the Company’s bankruptcy estate, subject to affirmation by the creditors at the first meeting of creditors (“FMOC”). The FMOC will be via MS Teams call on September 17, 2024 at 11:00 AM. To attend the call, please refer the Creditor's package for meeting credentials.
Trustee's Appointment
Trustee's Reports
Contact Information

Jerry Henechowicz
Senior Vice-President
Servicing Toronto and 1 other offices.