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MNP Debt Blog

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Financial Dieting The Psychology Of Money

Consumers can get the “blues” quickly when bills arrive in mail. With varying payments, due dates and interest rates, keeping track of it all can get very overwhelming. A budget or financial diet can help improve your financial health.

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Financial Difficulties Hit All Walks Of Life

The association between insolvency and distrust may exist, but in reality, it’s often far from the case. In truth, financial distress hits people from all walks of life.

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Household Debt Remains Near Record High

As the Canadian housing market continues to rise, especially in hot spots like Vancouver and Toronto, many are struggling to keep up with the price of living.

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1.if i own a home jointly,what happns if i declare bankruptcy? 2.are income tax arrears forgiven?

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Holiday Debt Got You Feeling Left Out In The Cold

As the New Year settles in and thousands of households across the country shutter themselves in from another great Canadian winter, many find themselves feeling the chill of debt as credit card bills start rolling in from holiday expenditures.

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Holiday Bills

It’s that time of year. The bills from the holiday season are starting to roll in and given the tough economic climate and significant job losses, many Canadians are going to find they are in debt beyond their means.

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Higher Interest Rates Raise Anxiety Among Canadian Debtholders

Increased interest rates are supposed to signal an improving economy.

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Higher Interest Rates Force Albertans To Rethink Debt

With economists predicting another increase before the year is out, Canadians should begin bracing themselves for some significant changes now before it’s too late.

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High Debt Loads Hurt Albertans

Given the current economic downturn in Alberta, it's not surprising to learn that insolvencies are at a significant upturn in the province. MNP's Donna Carson was on hand to speak with the Globe and Mail about the financial distress many in the province...

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Guaranteeing Somebody Else's Debt? WAIT!

Sometimes a financial institution or other form of lender will not grant credit to an individual or company (the “borrower”) unless someone else provides a guarantee. This can be potentially dangerous because if the borrower defaults on the loan, the...

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