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MNP Debt Blog

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Managing your mental and financial health in the new year

Your mental and financial health are connected in ways that can have a significant impact on your life. Here are some ideas to help you manage both as the new year begins.

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Are locked-in mortgages the budget buster lurking in the shadows?

A mortgage rate lock helps you to reduce your overall debt if you know how to take advantage of it. Here’s what you can do.

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Holiday cheers or tears?

Cost of living trends in Southern Alberta

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Enjoying the holiday season on a shoestring budget

The holiday season is a time to make memories with your loved ones, but your finances may limit you from going all out. Here are ideas for enjoying the season on a tight budget.

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The holidays are a time to eat, drink and be merry! But the pressure to celebrate the season can easily send your finances into the red for months. The desire to do the holidays in a big way could see your spending get carried away! There are plenty...

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These articles have helped hundreds of people through the year, but we’ve compiled 10 of the most read ones to ease you into a debt-free life in the new year.

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With the New Year fast approaching, it’s a great time to reflect upon your progress in 2022 and set goals for 2023. Our team has been working hard all year to provide our audience with tips to help you achieve your financial goals.

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Are you living within your means?

It’s easier than ever to spend more than we can afford. We pay for most purchases with a debit or credit card — or, increasingly, with the wave of a smartphone or swipe of a finger.

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4 tips make the most of your check up on the MNP Debt Scale

This powerful 14-question assessment tool puts those questions into a clear and quantifiable rating of your debt situation regardless what you earn or how much you owe.

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When Creditors Are Calling (3 Minute Debt Break)

Nobody enjoys being late on bill payments. But unfortunately, it's not always possible to make ends meet. Anyone who has ever been in a position where they're forced to choose between basic necessities and keeping up with their debts understands just...

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