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MNP Debt Blog

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Growing Lines Of Credit Spur Warnings

As Canadians are struggling with a weakened economy and a consistently increasing cost of living, it's no surprise to learn that many are relying on credit in efforts of trying to stay ahead of monthly financial obligations. Taking it one step further,...

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Boc Warns About Rising Debt

As Canadians are struggling with a weakened economy and a consistently increasing cost of living, it's no surprise to learn that many are relying on credit and (current) low interest rates to help keep up with monthly financial obligations and expenses....

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Guaranteeing Somebody Else's Debt? WAIT!

Sometimes a financial institution or other form of lender will not grant credit to an individual or company (the “borrower”) unless someone else provides a guarantee. This can be potentially dangerous because if the borrower defaults on the loan, the...

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Debt: How Much is Too Much?

Nowadays, most Canadians carry some form of consumer debt. Credit, when used wisely, can be a good thing. But many Canadians are over-extended, financially stressed and struggling to perform a delicate fiscal balancing act. If you are concerned about...

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Bc Credit Union Raises Alarms About Payday Loans

If you are struggling with unmanageable debt, there are several debt solutions available that provide actual relief and allow you to get back on track to financial freedom instead of holding you back.

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Feel Like Youre Trapped Between A Rock And Your Tax Debt

A lot of people believe that personal income tax debt will never go away – that if you’re unable to pay, the debt will haunt you to the end of your days. After all, the government always gets paid right?

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Pre Retirees Dont Count On Cpp To Save You

Given today’s economic climate and the state of the Canadian dollar, it’s no surprise to learn that many millennials (and thousands of other Canadians for that matter) have not put long-term investments or savings at the top of their lists...

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Weakened Loonie Impacts Canadians Holiday Plans

While many Canucks often fly south for the winter season, more and more are opting for more creative getaways in hopes of holding on to their dollars - and avoiding hefty credit card bills.

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A Midlife Career Change Can Stress Family Finances

Whatever your reasons, if you're looking to take your career in a new direction - the most important thing you can establish for yourself and your loved ones, is a strong financial plan.

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Parents Of Millennials Teach Your Children Well

In this tough economic climate, it's difficult to make planning and budgeting for the future a priority. While millennials may still feel like the 'younger' generation, in truth, they are actually beginning to move into management and executive positions...

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