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MNP Debt Blog

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Get Creative To Save Your Holiday Budget

With the holidays right around the corner, it's easy to get caught up in a spending frenzy. But if you're depending on credit to carry your spending, you might find that you're paying a lot more than you anticipated when the bills start to roll in come...

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Gifts, Money and Turkeys!

A 2015 survey shows the average Canadian spent an average of $766 for holiday gifts. MNP’s Yves Patrice Beaudin talks budget in this blog.

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Co-Signers, Beware!

The act of co-signing a loan is easy. It can also feel very rewarding since you’re often helping a family member or friend who wants to buy a new car or maybe even a house.

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Seniors Taking Out Mortgages Is It Ever A Good Idea

After a lifetime of hard work, seniors should now be at a stage in their lives where they can slow down, retire and enjoy their golden years. Unfortunately in today's economic climate, for many seniors, this is not the case.

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Canada Student Loan has announced new relief rules for student loan borrowers who are facing financial duress.

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Canadians plan to spend 17 per cent more this Christmas than last, according to Accenture’s annual Canada Holiday Shopping Survey, an average of $873 compared to the $744 they expected to spend last year.

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It’s difficult these days to plan for future financial challenges. After all, who has a crystal ball to tell them what the future holds?

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Are You A Senior Drowning In Debt

After a lifetime of hard work, seniors should now be at a stage in their lives where they can slow down, retire and enjoy their golden years. Unfortunately for many seniors, this is not the case.

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When It Comes To Your Financial Future Every Effort Adds Up

It can be extremely daunting and frustrating when you are trying to pay down debt. Especially as you watch your balance decrease when a payment is made, only to see it go up again with interest charges, service fees, loan insurance premiums or even as...

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For many Canadians, their retirement years are supposed to represent their golden years where they can enjoy the fruits of a lifetime of work and labour.

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