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MNP Debt Blog

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Relocation And Bankruptcy

I'm considering declaring bankruptcy but may want to move in the future to pursue employment opportunities out of province. Will that be a problem?

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My husband and I are on Employment and income assistance, can we apply for bankruptcy?

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Will I lose my car if I declare bankruptcy?

Will I lose my car if I declare bankruptcy?

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Will creditors stop calling if I file for bankruptcy? Gord Neudorf, a Trustee at MNP Ltd., addresses this question.

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It is expected that the Enforcement of Money Judgements Act will be brought into law some time this spring. It will have a major impact on which assets are exempt in Saskatchewan.

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Explaining fees and how they're collected when filing for Bankruptcy.

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Where an individual has been bankrupt in the previous decade, and currently is under a significant debt load again, can he file for a second bankruptcy? If so, will monies owed to Canada Revenue Agency be written off or does income tax debt survive a...

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310 Debt To Merge With MNP

310 DEBT to Merge with MNP

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I am living common-law with a person who is bankrupt and pays surplus income amounts each month. I am not bankrupt. Does the bankrupt also have to include EI payments I receive and/or my student loan or MPI rebate cheque as part of his income?

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I was wondering if money in my savings account will be taken if I declared bankruptcy and when I am in bankruptcy will I be able to save money. I do have creditors I pay, can I continue with paying them through bankrupcy

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