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MNP Debt Blog

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What Happens When I Am Discharged From Bankruptcy

First, congratulate yourself! You took the difficult first step of filing for bankruptcy and have earned yourself a fresh start.

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Thinking about filing for bankruptcy can fill one with fear and uncertainty, it is natural for anyone considering this option to worry about what they will need to give up in order to be debt-free.

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Do I Need A Lawyer If Im In Debt

Debt is stressful at the best of times. But when it reaches a point where you can no longer pay your bills, it can be downright overwhelming.

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For most homeowners, their house, condo or apartment holds a special place in their heart that goes far beyond warmth, shelter and security.

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Will Filing For Bankruptcy Or Consumer Proposal Affect My Children

You've done everything you can to provide a good life for your family. You've worked hard to put a roof over their head, food on the table, clothing on their backs — to make sure they'll never want for anything.

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Who Will Find Out I Have Filed For Bankruptcy?

It’s not very often a bankruptcy is advertised in the newspaper – in fact, only about five percent of bankruptcies filed are ever listed in the paper.

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Bankruptcy Isn’t Scary; Here’s Why

Thinking back to my childhood, I can still remember the terror I felt every time Halloween approached.

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The Cost Of Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy isn’t free, but it may be the life changing debt solution you’re looking for.

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How Assets And Income Affect Your Bankruptcy Claim

When you file for bankruptcy, it is helpful to first understand what the potential related costs of the process are and how they are determined.

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What Is A Voluntary Deposit

Voluntary deposit is a judicial process used in Québec to restructure a debt repayment. It is legislated in the Québec Code of Civil Procedure.

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