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MNP Debt Blog

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Underscoring Albertans' financial vulnerabilities when it comes to debt, the latest official figures from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (OSB) continue to reinforce the mounting strain on many households in the province. The number of...

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5 Debts That Go Away After A Bankruptcy Or Consumer Proposal

Part of deciding whether a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal is right for you is knowing what kinds of debts can be included and will be discharged when the process is successfully completed.

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Are you experiencing serious financial issues but hesitant to meet with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee? Your reluctance is normal and completely understandable — especially if you've turned to the internet for answers about Bankruptcy, only to find...

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5 Debts That Go Away After A Bankruptcy

Part of deciding whether a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal is right for you is knowing what kinds of debts can be included and will be discharged when the process is successfully completed. While we won't cover every single debt here, the following list...

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​Relief from debt stress may be the only thing people focus on when they file a Bankruptcy. But for most households dealing with the overwhelm and hopelessness of long-term money problems, that's only the beginning. Bankruptcy has numerous peripheral...

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Weppa Changes On The Way

On October 29, 2018, Bill C-86, Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 2 was tabled, which includes some important amendments to the Wage Earner Protection Program Act (WEPPA).

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The approach taken by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) regarding the collection of personal income tax debt is straightforward.

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Filing Taxes The Inevitable Annual Event

A lot has changed over the past 200 years, but those two simple truths live on. Much as it may irk some, cost more to others and confuse many, filing taxes is the law, plain and simple.

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Bankruptcy Isn’t As Daunting As It Sounds

As a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, I meet a lot of people who are struggling with debt. And though their stories are all different, their experiences of searching for help often share a lot in common.

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How Bankruptcy Could Be The Gift You Never Knew You Wanted

Some would believe that bankruptcy is an unappealing way to resolve their ongoing debt problems.

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