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MNP Debt Blog

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What Happens If I Cant Pay My Consumer Proposal Or Consolidation Loan?

First, let’s talk about what it means to default on a CP. Then we can look at what you can or should do if you do, in fact, default. There are certain protections in place that allow for some flexibility in ‘putting it back in the box’ so to speak, if...

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Putting All Your Debt In One Manageable Place

If you have several different debts and you’re starting to have trouble managing them, you’ve probably already encountered the stress of trying to figure out who’s going to get paid and who’s not going to get paid this month.

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When Should You File A Consumer Proposal

Frustrated and overwhelmed with debt? Given today’s difficult economic climate, you’re not alone. The good news is, bankruptcy is not your only option.

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Debt, Bankruptcy & Consumer Proposals with Doug Stuive

MNP LTD Trustee Doug Stuive was interviewed by Bankruptcy Canda Inc. , to discuss debt, bankruptcy and consumer proposals.

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Increase In Insolvencies In Canada

Statistics Canada recently released a report stating that Canadians are holding a record level of household debt with the average Canadian household owing 164.6% of its annual income.

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Its A Good Thing We Have Consumer Proposals

Often, when people think of insolvency, they relate it directly to bankruptcy. This can be very deflating to those who find themselves struggling with debt, but want to avoid having to file for bankruptcy.

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Experiencing Financial Distress? Good News: YOU HAVE OPTIONS!

Unmanageable debt is exhausting. Living in financial uncertainty while trying to maneuver multiple payment schedules at varying interest rates, paired with the harassing phone calls from creditors can be completely overwhelming.

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Debt Relief Can Be Relieving

Are your debt problems heating up? Perhaps it’s time to cool off with some debt relief

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5 Reasons To File A Consumer Proposal

A Consumer Proposal is an alternative to declaring personal bankruptcy. It’s an arrangement that’s negotiated with your creditors through a Licensed Bankruptcy Trustee.

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The Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy in Canada (OSB) is a special operating agency of Industry Canada that protects the integrity of the bankruptcy and insolvency system for the benefit of investors, lenders, consumers and the public.

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