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MNP Debt Blog

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People often worry meeting with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee means they’ll be forced into Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal and not offered any other options.

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Can You Pay Your Debt And Save For Retirement

At MNP, we’re seeing a growing number of people working well-past retirement age simply to afford their monthly debt obligations.

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If you are an entrepreneur, sub-contractor or small business owner, tax season is likely one of your most challenging times of year.

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Sail Your Way Into Summer With A Budget

Summer conjures thoughts of lazy days at the lake, sunny afternoons in the garden, family barbeques and road trips you wish would never end.

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Tax Debts: What To Do When Revenue Canada Comes Calling

Tax debt can be a scary prospect, particularly if it comes up unexpectedly. However, given the rise of and persistence of recent scams, it is important to confirm that it is, in fact, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) that is calling you.

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Bankruptcy Isn’t As Daunting As It Sounds

As a Licensed Insolvency Trustee, I meet a lot of people who are struggling with debt. And though their stories are all different, their experiences of searching for help often share a lot in common.

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Four Mental Shifts For Better Money Management

As Licensed Insolvency Trustees, we often see the worst-case scenario when it comes to personal finances. Most people are at the end of their rope by the time they reach my office – having struggled with every possible fix for their debt situations and...

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What Interest Rate Increases Can Mean For Homeowners

After nearly a decade of historic lows, the Bank of Canada began increasing its key overnight interest rate in July 2017 in response to improving employment figures and a growing economy.

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Why Looking Forward is the Best Approach to Your Finances

Regret is one of the most common refrains Licensed Insolvency Trustees hear when we talk to clients about their debt. They ask questions like, “how did I get into this mess?” Or, “why did I make that decision?”

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What Happens To My Debts When I Die

As baby boomers continue to age, they face a growing number of questions about how they’re going to manage in the last phase of their lives.

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