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MNP Debt Blog

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The Red Flags to Watch for in Financial Health

In all aspects of life, we benefit from an ability to anticipate problems before they happen. Whether it’s in your relationships, your job, your health, or simply during your daily commute to work, you know instinctively to keep your eye out for potential...

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Seniors and Savings (3 Minute Debt Break)

Often we associate retirement with enjoying the fruits of our labors. But many seniors find themselves struggling financially even after decades of working.

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How does Bankruptcy work in Canada?

What is Bankruptcy? How does it work? And what are the alternatives? Let’s investigate.

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Consumer Proposal vs. Bankruptcy: What’s the difference?

Many Canadians may find themselves overburdened with debt due to various factors beyond their control.

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11 things you might not know about Consumer Proposals

If you’ve been researching options to manage and overcome your debt, it’s likely you’ve already heard about Consumer Proposals and may even have a basic understanding of how they work.

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How upcycling can benefit both the planet and your bottom line

We’re all familiar with recycling and it’s environmental benefits. It’s one of the three Rs of sustainability many of us learned in primary school, along with reduce and reuse.

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What you need to know about divorce and debt

The pandemic, childcare challenges, and the difficulties of spending much more time together during lockdowns made 2020 a difficult year for many couples.

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How a Licensed Insolvency Trustee Can Help with a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal

How has COVID-19 impacted debt challenges in B.C.?

British Columbians have been through a lot in 2020 and 2021. The impacts of COVID-19 arrived suddenly and have been difficult to forecast. Some B.C. households have faced more challenges than others, but nearly everyone has experienced setbacks to some...

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Don’t let fear drive you away from Bankruptcy

What do Walt Disney, Elton John, and Larry King have in common? After filing Bankruptcy, these and countless other respected cultural icons all went on to achieve fortune, fame, and overwhelming success.

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