Where Can I File Bankruptcy In Canada


Generally a person files for bankruptcy with a trustee in the province where they currently live. However, you can also file bankruptcy in a province if it is the principal place where have lived, or carried on business, during the previous 12 months. This allows someone who has moved to the United States, for example, to still file bankruptcy in Canada provided they do so within a year of leaving the province in which they lived. If you have been out of Canada for more than 12 months you would likely not be eligible to file bankruptcy in Canada, although feel free to discuss that with one of our trustees. If a person has not lived, or carried on business in a province or territory in Canada in the previous twelve months, then they can file in a province where the bulk of their assets are located, although it is somewhat difficult to imagine what might give rise to that unique situation. If you are moving, or thinking of moving, and need to consider your financial options, please feel free to contact the closest MNP insolvency office to discuss your situation in a free initial interview. Ian Schofield MNP Regina 306-790-7904

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