You have a few options. It's still a good idea to come in to see a trustee and get advice that is specific to your own situation, but generally your choices are as follows:
1. Do Nothing - If you're on assistance, and if you don't own anything that creditors are able to seize, you are 'judgment proof,' or 'creditor proof.' That means that there is really nothing the creditors can do to you if you're unable to pay the debt. They can't seize your assistance benefits as long as you don't leave the funds sitting in a bank account. (You would also want to make sure that your bank account is at a financial institution that you do not owe any money to. If you owe money to the bank where your chequing or savings account is located, they can take money out of your account and apply it against your debt.) You'll still get collection calls, but there are ways to reduce the stress of those calls - i.e., you should be aware of your rights - seeCanadian Bar Association orBC Consumer Protection. Ultimately, if your situation doesn't change, the creditors will eventually write off the debts.
2. Contact the Superintendent of Bankruptcy (604-666-5007) and ask about their Bankruptcy Referral Program. If you are unable to afford to pay the cost of a bankruptcy and if you need a bankruptcy, a trustee will be appointed to do the bankruptcy for you. You may still be expected to pay amount into the bankruptcy.
3. If a family member can assist you with the cost, you may be able to pay the cost of the process up front or have the family member assist you with the monthly payments.
Let me know if you'd like any further information.
Judy Scott
Meyers Norris Penny Limited - BC
604-949-2100 1-866-568-1335