Every institution, including Alberta Student Loans, Canada Student Loans, and bank financing will have their own internal rules regarding financing.
My last information regarding Alberta Student Loans is that you may have to wait 3 years after your discharge to apply for financing.
I believe that Canada Student Loans has required some students to wait the same 3 years from their discharge. Other students have received their funding.
And the bank-risk portion of the loans which are governed by the Bank, will also have their own rules.
The only way to know for certain is to have the lender answer that question.
I think the first step might be to review your situation with a Trustee and assess whether or not you need to file for bankruptcy for your other creditors. Perhaps a proposal would be an option? We should also come up with a backup plan in case the student loan financing doesn't come through.
Donna Carson, CGA, CIRP, Trustee
Calgary and Central Alberta regions
1.877.500.0792 [email protected]