What happens if I don’t fulfill my duties during a Bankruptcy?
If you’re going through a personal Bankruptcy, one of your main goals is to obtain your discharge — that is, to have your debts cleared so you can start fresh.
As thousands of households across the province continue to grapple with the difficult realities of unemployment, many have run through their severance and / or unemployment insurance and have spent weeks, even months relying on credit to pull them through the costs of day-to-day living. While credit can be an incredible tool in a pinch, credit reliance can quickly spiral into a cycle of debt that may seem impossible to get out of. For this reason, more and more households are investigating viable debt solutions. MNP’s Vicky Samuels recently discussed the increase in bankruptcies filed throughout the province withDiscover Airdrie in an original article published online on February 1, 2017.
If you’re going through a personal Bankruptcy, one of your main goals is to obtain your discharge — that is, to have your debts cleared so you can start fresh.
The fresh start you obtain after filing a Consumer Proposal or Bankruptcy offers many new paths for managing your day-to-day needs and planning for your future.
Canadians are facing a cost-of-living crisis. With rampant inflation, many have taken on more debt just to make ends meet. With interest rates still high, some households might be considering declaring Bankruptcy for the first, second, or even a third time.
If this sounds like you, don’t worry — many people are in the same situation, and it isn’t anything to be ashamed of. Filing for Bankruptcy or entering a Consumer Proposal might be the solution you need to relieve financial stress and get a fresh start.