Not Discharged From Bankruptcy Still Owe Money What Do I Do


  It sounds like the Court determined that you had to pay some amount of money into your bankruptcy before you would be granted a discharge.  If that's the case, your options are: - Pay in the required amount.  Regarding your trustee not wanting to take smaller payments, it depends on what the Court Order says, but your trustee may not be able to refuse payments from you.  Once you've paid in the amount required, your trustee will normally apply to Court for your discharge. - If it has been more than a year since the Conditional Order was granted, and if you are financially unable to pay it, you can apply to Court yourself to see if the Court will give you a discharge without paying in the amount ordered.  You can go to the Probate and Bankruptcy counter at the Supreme Court of British Columbia in downtown Vancouver (Smithe and Howe) - they have a package that contains the forms and instructions. - You can talk to a lawyer about how best to proceed (another trustee can't really give you advice on this unless they are appointed by the Court to take over your file). You should try to deal with this as soon as you can.  If you're not discharged and your trustee has closed the file, it means that your creditors can resume collection action on the debts that were included in the bankruptcy. I hope that helps. Judy Scott, Trustee Meyers Norris Penny Limited Port Moody - Burnaby 604-949-2113

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