Mnp Wins A 2017 Hamilton Consumer Choice Award


Author: David Gowling

MNP LTD is proud to announce we have won a 2017 Hamilton Consumer Choice Award in the Lifestyle category. As one of the largest personal insolvency practices in Canada, our experienced team of Licensed Insolvency Trustees and advisors work collaboratively with both individuals and businesses within the community to help them recover from times of financial distress so they can regain control and start working towards a strong financial future. Market Wired posted an original article covering the region’s winners online on November 11, 2016.About the Consumer Choice Awards Each year across Canada, Consumer Choice Award gathers opinions, perceptions and expectations through the responses of thousands of consumers and businesses. All winners have gone through a rigorous selection process conducted by a third party research firm to ensure only the most outstanding service providers are the winners within their respective industry. For more information on how MNP Debt can help you, contact David Gowling, CPA, CA, CIRP, LIT and Senior Vice President with MNP’s Insolvency & Corporate Recovery group at 905.570.5847 [email protected].​

David Gowling

David Gowling


Senior Vice-President

Servicing: Burlington (Burloak), Mississauga (Square One Mall), Brampton (Mount Pleasant), Brantford, Caledonia, Simcoe, Milton, Mississauga (Winston Churchill), Brampton (Rutherford South), Mississauga (Streetsville)

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