It's the Thought that Counts: Think Affordable this Valentine's Day
According to legend, Saint Valentine of Rome restored sight to his jailer’s blind daughter on the evening before his execution. The following morning, he wrote her a farewell letter and signed it ‘Your Valentine’ – kicking off a centuries-long tradition of Valentine’s cards.

For more than 300 years, lovers have expressed their love for one another by presenting flowers, poetry and heart-shaped greeting cards on Valentine’s day. The monetary value of these gifts has never been as important as the meaning behind them. After all, there is no price tag befitting an authentic and heartfelt declaration of love.
It’s probably safe to say none of us (safe from being world-leading ophthalmologists) has the capacity to restore sight to the blind. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t still way to make this Valentine’s Day special without breaking the bank. Here are a few ideas.
Spend Time, Not Money
For one day (or even just one night) ditch the electronic distractions and enjoy some one-on-one time with your special someone. Turn off your phone, unplug the television, turn out the lights and unwind together over a candlelit dinner at home, followed by a crisp evening walk holding hands.
Consider the regular chores that your significant other usually does around the house and surprise him or her by doing them yourself. Vacuum the house, wash their car, scrub the bathtub, take the kids to school. Simple acts of kindness are often the most impactful.
You can also cook dinner or bake your spouse’s favourite dessert. After all, tasty treats are often a direct (and inexpensive) line to a loved one’s heart
Get Creative
Flowers wilt, silver tarnishes, appliances break down and the prices of all these items are hyper-inflated this time of year. Consider handmade gifts instead.
You don’t have to be a world-class carpenter or artist to pull this off either. Consider decorating a room with paper flowers and heart shaped cut-outs. Make your sweetheart a cheesy Valentine card and poem. Write a list of things you love most about him or her or reasons you’re grateful to have them in your life.
Use Gift Cards and Points
It’s a sure bet you probably received several gift cards over the holiday season that you haven’t used yet. And you probably accumulated a healthy helping of credit card points making all your gift purchases as well. If so, think of ways you can use – or better yet, combine – these two windfalls to significantly reduce the cost of your desired Valentine’s gift.
Remember: Love is Love, Debt is Debt
Remember it’s the thought that counts. Money can’t buy you love – but it can buy you misery if it means eating into savings or building up a pile of debt. Expensive gifts may buy you a smile. But heartfelt gifts can create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
Life-Changing Debt Solutions
If you’re struggling with unmanageable debt because of your gift giving exuberance, help is available. During a free confidential consultation with MNP, a Licensed Insolvency Trustee will review your entire financial situation and identify your options. You may qualify for a Life-Changing Debt Solution such as bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal – or one of numerous other debt-defeat opportunities. Whatever your goals, your Licensed Insolvency Trustee will help you choose your best path to debt freedom, so you can get the financial fresh start you deserve.