Im On Income Assistance Will A Bankruptcy Help Me


If you're receiving social assistance or some other form of income assistance, you are still eligible to do a bankruptcy.  Depending on what you own, it is likely that the only payments you would make into a bankruptcy would be to cover the cost of the bankruptcy.  You should keep in mind, though, that even if you don't do a bankruptcy, you're probably "creditor proof," meaning that there is very little that creditors can do to enforce payment.  Most creditors cannot garnish social assistance payments.  If you are not able to pay your creditors, they will continue with collection calls for a while but if they see no prospect of you being able to pay anything, they will eventually write off the debt and stop calling you.  If you own anything that isn't protected from creditors, let me know as this could change the advice I've just given you.  If you want to see the list of things that creditors cannot take from you, just follow this link: Exempt Assets. If you want any further information, feel free to give me a call, a blog posting, or an email. Judy Scott - Trustee 604-949-2100 Port Moody - Vancouver - Abbotsford [email protected]

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