MNP recently moved to a new location at Gullivers Square, which is directly across from the Eastgate Square Mall. To celebrate this move MNP hosted an open house from September 16 – 18, 2015. Furthermore, on September 18, 2015 we ended the week by hosting a charity barbeque in conjunction with Giant Tiger. The turnout was great. Sale proceeds of the barbeque lunch along with individual donations were used to purchase non-perishable food items for the Stoney Creek Food Bank. This is an important and much needed program that supports and empowers the local community.
At MNP, we understand that members of our communities face financial hardship every day. For this reason, we work to create tailored, life-changing debt solutions that help individuals regain control and achieve financial freedom.
As one of the leading personal insolvency practices in Canada, we are proud to support and contribute to this great cause. Open House BBQ/Open House: Michele, Laura & Linda BBQ: Doug, Linda & Sarah St. Catharines Team Doug Stuive giving food donation to Stoney Creek Food Bank