First Steps In Starting The Bankruptcy Proceedings


Hello and thank you for your enquiry First step you need to do is to estimate your total debt. I suggest that you write down on paper a list of all your creditors and roughly how much you owe each of them. Secondly you should call your local MNP office and speak to a Trustee or Estate Administrator who will be happy to discuss your specific circumstances and answer any questions you may have. We will then make an appointment with you ASAP at one of our offices for an initial consultation meeting and provide you with a list of information which we will need. Thirdly, at the consultation meeting,we will work with you in reviewing your estimated debts, assets and monthly budget and draft a financial appraisal of yourself, discuss all available options such as proposal or bankruptcy and then be able to recommend to you the best option tailored to your specific needs, Your monthly payments will depend on whether you decide to proceed with a bankruptcy or proposal, your average monthly income, household income and expenditure and the number of people in the household. During the consultation meeting, we will be able to work out your monthly payments as compared to Government guidelines. Either way it will be within your balanced monthly budget. Remember the initial consultation meeting is free and confidential. If you have questions, contact Zaki Alam [email protected] : 780 455 1155 or contact your localMNP Trustee. M. Zaki Alam, Trustee Edmonton – Fort McMurray – Grande Prairie

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