I will refer you to the Bankruptcy FAQ for general questions about bankruptcy - you can find it under the menus at the top of the page. The two main things you need to understand are what assets are exempt, and what "Surplus Income" is - you will find those answers in the FAQ and in some of the prior blog postings.
With respect to your credit rating - A credit rating is, first and foremost a collection of facts - a person has a job, paid their phone bill last month, filed bankruptcy etc. From those various facts a credit rating is derived. The general rule is that a fact is kept on your credit history for six years, so if you file bankruptcy that fact will remain on your history for six years after you complete the process. However, all of the other facts that happened after the bankruptcy will also be there - you have a job, you continued to make your car payments and so on. In my experience, it generally only takes twelve to eighteen months after a bankruptcy to restore ones credit rating to "OK", notwithstanding the fact of the bankruptcy.
With respect to the amount of payments you might be required to make, that will depend on your income and other factors and I would ask that you contact the undersigned to discuss that matter in more detail than I can do in this blog post.
Ian Schofield
MNP Regina