Credit Cards With Zero Balances


Author: Bradley Milne


Any credit cards, including those with zero balances, should be given to the Trustee at the time you are filing for bankruptcy.

Person on their laptop holding a credit card

Generally speaking, obtaining further credit while in bankruptcy is discouraged.  However, the Bankruptcy & Insolvency Act does state that if you are borrowing funds greater than $1,000 you must disclose to the lender that you are in bankruptcy.  So you can see that you are not prohibited from getting credit, however, in my view (and that of the Registrar in our jurisdiction), obtaining further credit is not encouraged.

As an alternative, some people obtain a secured credit card where you put down a deposit and have use of the card up to that amount.

Bradley Milne

Bradley Milne


Senior Vice President

Servicing: Brandon, Killarney, Portage la Prairie, Neepawa, Virden, Souris, Deloraine

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