Can Furniture Bought On A Credit Card Be Repossessed?

In most cases, the credit card company doesn't have the right to repossess things that you purchase with your card. 


However, if you purchased a large amount of furniture or if it was a 'don't pay for a year' type of arrangement, AND if the credit card you used was the store credit card, you'd need to check any paperwork you may have signed at the time of your purchase.  The credit card company can only repossess the furniture if they have a written agreement allowing them to do that if you default on your payments.

So, it's pretty unlikely they can seize it - it depends on what you signed.  If you used a Visa or a Mastercard, it's pretty certain that there would be no repossession right. 

Linda Paul

Linda Paul


Senior Vice-President

Servicing: Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Maple Ridge, Surrey, Langley

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