MNP Debt in Quebec

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The road to becoming debt-free starts with a free confidential consultation with an MNP Licensed Insolvency Trustee.

Our story

One of the defining features of MNP Debt is that we proudly hire local Trustees, who build strong and personal relationships with clients in their communities. Quebec fits that model perfectly.

Our firm’s presence in Quebec began in 2010, when we established our East Montreal office on Ave Christophe-Columb, the first in the province.

Today, MNP Debt has more than 50 offices in all the regions of Quebec. All of our personnel are hired locally and will take the time to listen and understand your situation. Our Quebec-based Partners and Trustees are leaders in their field and understand the nuances of Quebec’s provincial regulations. They will guide you towards a better financial future.

Get a Free Checkup for Your Debt Health

Do you have control over your finances? How much debt is too much? How do you know when it’s time to seek professional help?

Take this quick 14 question survey for you to learn more about your debt health. Based on your answers, we will provide steps you can take to either help you achieve or continue living your debt-free future.

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More than half of Ontarians say interest rates will need to drop much further before their financial situation significantly improves

Caryl Newbery-Mitchell

MNP Consumer Debt Index

Ontarians are feeling pessimistic about their personal finances this quarter, despite the recent interest rate cut by the Bank of Canada.

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Caryl Newbery-Mitchell

MNP Consumer Debt Index

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