MNP Debt Scale

Bill Payments

Wallet icon
1. Do you struggle to pay your bills on time?
2. Do you feel like the amount you owe is increasing?
3. Do you pay interest and service charges on monthly utility accounts because you can't pay on time?

Credit Cards

Credit cards icon
4. Do you carry an ongoing balance on your credit card(s)?
5. Are you only making minimum payments on your credit cards?

Behind in Payments

Hourglass icon
6. Are you behind on your mortgage, rent or car payments?
7. Are you behind in paying your taxes?
8. Are you behind in paying child support?
9. Do you have student loans that are in default?

Budgeting & Income

Piggy bank icon
10. Are your wages being garnished?
11. Overall, do you feel stressed by your finances?
12. Do you have trouble saving money?
13. Are you receiving phone calls or letters from creditors or collection agencies?
14. Are you using payday loans to get by until the next pay cheque?


Thank you for participating in the MNP Debt Scale. By submitting this form, you will have immediate access to your results and will also receive an email of your results.

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