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MNP Debt Blog

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Living on a Single Income (3 Minute Debt Break)

With a wavering Canadian economy and unemployment continuing to roll through several Canadian provinces, thousands of households have found themselves struggling to make it from one financial obligation to the next. This is especially true for single...

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The average person spends most of their life chasing financial stability. We may not feel like we’re getting ahead, but for many of us that’s ok; as long as we’re not falling behind. What does it mean to be financially healthy, and how...

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Parenthood happens differently for everyone. But the one thing the same for everyone is the impact on your finances. You are now responsible for a whole other person who depends on you for everything. The good news is you can start planning for these...

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Post-secondary education costs money. Depending on the program, sometimes a lot of it. But there are steps every student can take to prepare for these costs and minimize the future financial impacts of pursuing a higher education.

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Why We Overspend (3 Minute Debt Break)

This time of year we think about festivities and fun with friends and family. And sometimes we do it without thinking about finances. Often finances are something we don’t focus enough on through the entire year because we have acquired bad financial...

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It’s always been difficult to plan for future financial challenges. But these days, the unforeseen seems to be a regular occurrence. No one has a crystal ball for global events let alone circumstances that are unpredictable in your personal world....

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Higher interest rates, instability globally and uncertainty in the new year economically… many households look to 2023 as a year of struggling to make it from one financial obligation to the next. This is especially true for single income families....

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Financial Scams (3 Minute Debt Break)

Financial scams have been around for decades. But they seem to have never been as common, insidious and invasive as they are today. It’s easy to assume you’ll never fall for a scam. But we’re all vulnerable, and we can all become victims...

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