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MNP Debt Blog

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Managing your finances when interest rates rise

As government attempts to cool the heating economy, you may need to take precautionary measures to save your financial health.

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What happens if I declare bankruptcy?

Filing for Bankruptcy is very emotional — and can be stressful — but what I can tell you is that a Licensed Insolvency Trustee can help!

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What are the signs of good (and poor) financial health?

Currently, household debt levels, inflation, and key interest rates in Canada are among the highest in the world. Personal finances have become a hot topic as individuals and families cope with the effects of an economic downturn.

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Living on a Single Income (3 Minute Debt Break)

With a wavering Canadian economy and unemployment continuing to roll through several Canadian provinces, thousands of households have found themselves struggling to make it from one financial obligation to the next. This is especially true for single...

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What are my options to deal with debt?

Household debt is a major challenge in Canada. The average Canadian currently owes more than $20,000 in non-mortgage debt — and a total of about $1.70 for ever one dollar they earn.

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The effects of debt can vary from person to person. You might worry over a $1,000 credit card debt, while your friend might not give a second thought until it’s in the tens of thousands.

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Should I be using my credit card for big purchases?

Like many of the topics we tackle at MNP, the unfortunate answer here is it depends on why you want to use your credit card and what your plan is to pay it off.

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MNP’s 24 Holiday Debt Savings Tips

We love the holidays here at MNP. But we hate the stress and financial difficulties it brings to millions of Canadian households every year.

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Does your child want it all, all the time?

As wonderful as children are, sometimes it’s tough to shop with a little one who wants everything.

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Nobody wants to believe they’re the kind of person who falls for marketing gimmicks — those pushy, transparent, often campy tactics clearly designed to part you with your money.

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