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MNP Debt Blog

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As pandemic-related government aid and loan deferral programs begin to wind down, the latest MNP Consumer Debt Index finds the number of Canadians hovering close to financial insolvency has reached a five-year high.

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The MNP Consumer Debt Index for January 2023 is in… and the Index has plunged 15 points from last quarter and is now at an all-time low. The unprecedented quarterly decline underscores the anxiety Canadians feel about their debt situation amid...

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Is it difficult to declare bankruptcy? The short answer is… no. However, there are a few things you should know before you consider bankruptcy as a debt management resource.

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The ongoing uncertainty and instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have many people concerned about their financial circumstances. But managing debt is something you should always be thinking about no matter what is happening around you in the world...

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In recent years, Canadians have grown accustomed to low interest rates. The Bank of Canada used low interest rates to encourage spending and spur economic activity during the pandemic. However, 2022 marked a sharp and painful turn for many. To combat...

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It’s not something we’ve heard a lot of lately… but there is some financial optimism many Canadians are experiencing. It’s the financial “upside” to the pandemic thanks to relief measures and reduced spending.

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No matter the size of your debt there are basically only two ways to deal with it; calculating it and managing it down. Listen for tips on how to do both and help avoid the never ending feeling of debt!

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