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MNP Debt Blog

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Getting kids involved in sports offers many benefits. Aside from promoting physical fitness, sports give kids a great opportunity to develop confidence and sportsmanship, learn team building, and experience the rewards that come with working toward a...

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Buyer's remorse laws, also known as cooling-off periods or cancellation rights, are legal measures that give consumers the opportunity to reconsider purchases.

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How starting to save early can help relieve financial stress during the holiday season

Starting to save early can help ensure you stay within your budget and reduce financial stress in the New Year.

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Why checking your credit score matters

How well do you understand your finances? In commemoration of National Financial Awareness Day, we encourage you to understand your credit history and constantly monitor your credit score.

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How to include student loans in a Bankruptcy or Consumer Proposal

Student loan debt has become a significant cause of financial burden on many post-secondary students in Canada. As the cost of education continues to rise, many students leave university or college carrying the burden of debt and the repayment process....

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What happens when you’re overspending?

Many people start a new month or year with the intention to budget and save, but not many are able to stop themselves from overspending. If you’re dealing with overspending issues, you’re not alone.

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