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MNP Debt Blog

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Debt Is Not Cool

Author E.E. Cummings, when talking about his debts, is reported to have said, “I am living so far beyond my income that we may be said to be living apart.” Humorous as it may sound, being in debt is never cool.

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This is the second entry in a two-part blog series on family debt categories. Part 1 discussed becoming a loan guarantor in general, as well as becoming a guarantor for a spouse’s business loans. Here are three other primary categories of family debt...

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One of the most heartbreaking aspects of debt we see is the breakup of family relationships when a guarantor is called upon to pay a family debt. T

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Panicked About Post Holiday Debt ?

The festive holiday season has now passed – a time typically marked by overindulgence in many areas, including spending. Now that it’s over, does it mean time to get back to regular spending habits? Or does it incite panic, knowing that your credit card...

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Its Time To Go On A Spending Diet

MNP LTD Trustee Randy Kobbert was interviewed by The Lethbridge Herald to discuss post-holiday debt and budgeting for the New Year.

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What If I Were To Stop Making Credit Card Payments

Are you in financial trouble? Are you worried about what will happen if you stop making credit card payments? Call the experts today for a free consultation.

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Top 5 Signs Of A Debt Management Scam

Debt settlement companies have been growing quickly in Canada. They advertise credit counselling, debt settlement, debt relief, debt consolidation and debt management.

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Staying Debt Free This Winter

As fall breezes in, our thoughts start to focus on upcoming winter events and plans.

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Budgeting Tips For Major Purchases

Making a major purchase can be exciting or necessary, but it is also an expenditure that can get you in financial trouble, particularly if you don’t properly plan for the purchase.

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Dealing With Debts Owed To Canada Revenue Agency

Individuals (and corporations) may find themselves in financial difficulty and Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) may be a creditor, possibly the largest creditor. This blog post will look at whether, and how, those debts can be included in a filing under the...

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