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MNP Debt Blog

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With summer just around the corner, love is on the mind of many Canadian couples. But it can be hard to think about love when money troubles get in the way. Unfortunately, according to an online survey conducted on behalf of MNP Ltd., one in four (27%)...

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The Struggle With Rising Debt

Struggling with rising debt? MNP Bankruptcy Trustee Dean Prentice discusses increased debt loads and how consumers can manage them in our latest blog.

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It's important to start teaching your children about the limitations of money at an early age.

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It’s hard to believe it’s that time of the year again. Income tax time. Hopefully you were able to budget for your instalments last year in the correct amount, or your employer took the right amount of taxes from your pay. But what if we miscalculated?...

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How To Financially Survive Unemployment

In today’s ever changing market, the possibility of job loss for many individuals is a fact of life. It’s important to plan for unfortunate events and to know how to handle it if it does happen.

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LETHBRIDGE - While many Canadians may be tempted to borrow more after the Bank of Canada’s recent cut to interest rates, local Personal Bankruptcy Trustees are strongly advising people not to.

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The Winter Cash Crunch: 5 Areas Where You Can Save Money

Many people find they struggle financially during the post-Christmas winter months. Holiday credit card bills come in, and combined with higher energy and other winter expenses can put a strain on an otherwise balanced household budget.

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You finally met the right person and now you want to take your relationship to the next level. You move in together or you want to make it more official and get married.

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Debt And Mid Life Crisis

Whether you know it or not, you may be going through a mid-life crisis. It usually crops up around the age of 35 to 40 because of many things, but family changes and debt accumulation can be the most problematic.

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Debt Is Not Cool

Author E.E. Cummings, when talking about his debts, is reported to have said, “I am living so far beyond my income that we may be said to be living apart.” Humorous as it may sound, being in debt is never cool.

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