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MNP Debt Blog

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Keeping an Eye Out for Hidden Credit Card Fees

Having a household credit card or two can come in handy for multiple reasons – which is probably why there are approximately more than 43 million credit cards currently active in Canada.

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An Eternal Optimist

If you are experiencing financial difficulty, and can set aside any emotional bias preventing you from being able to make a rational decision in a timely manner, you will save both yourself and your household from significant stress and anguish.

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While credit can be helpful in a pinch, credit reliance can quickly become a dangerous cycle that's difficult to get out of when there's no longer a steady income coming into the household.

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Carefree Summer Spending Can Lead To Early Winter Hibernation

As Canadians settle down to embrace summer fun, what many are really doing is creating a winter of financial pain if they do not make the right choices over the coming months.

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Mother May I Follow Your Advice

​​​With Mother’s Day fast approaching, I am reminded of some of life’s lessons my mother taught me about spending and shopping.

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Nova Scotia Housing Market Holds Tight

As unemployment continues to take its toll in Atlantic and Western Canada, the real estate market has taken a hit in many cities as thousands put their homes on the market in hopes of moving on to communities with more opportunity.

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Earth Day is an excellent opportunity to reflect on the choices you make from many different perspectives.

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Separation from your partner is one of the many causes of financial distress. Not all couples may be aware of the fact that when you sign a contract togeth​er, you are responsible to repay all the money borrowed.

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MNP’s David Gowling recently discussed Hamilton’s growing debt issues on the Scott Radley Show.

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Golden Years Not So Golden For Many Seniors In Lethbridge

As the spike in insolvencies continues to rise in communities like Lethbridge throughout the province, now is as good as time as ever to talk about the value of a budget.

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